Philippine Laws on Illegal Gambling

Since the announcement of Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte for the Philippine National Police to halt its operation on war against drugs and shift the fight against illegal gambling, hundreds of suspected individuals were apprehended allegedly involved with illegal gambling nationwide. In General Santos City for instance, there are at least 4 suspects are brought before our office for inquest investigation. There suspects are either violating Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1602 or Republic Act No. 9287. It might be noteworthy to consider because the police officers are doing their job as mandated by law, but, most, if not all, of the suspects apprehended belong to the poorest of the poor. We are still waiting at the time when we would face suspects who are the financier of these illegal gambling games. This image is taken from google. The following are the gambling laws of the Philippines: PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 1602 It amended the criminal provis...