Are You Qualified to Become the President of the Republic of the Philippines?

Less than a year from now, the Philippines would have a new person manning the steering wheel of the government.  Either he/she would be heading us to prosperity or to damnation.  It really depends upon the people who would wisely vote.

As early as today, television ads and social media are eaten largely with the people who are hoping to become the president of the dear Republic.  The names like Duterte, Roxas, Binay, Lacson, Poe and others are sprouting everywhere.  Even the Philippine pride Manny Pacquiao was introduced in one of his boxing bouts at the next president of the country.

The question now that may be asked is are they qualified for the highest position of the land?

Article VII of the 1987 Philippine Constitution has the answer.

Section 2 of the aforementioned article states that:

"No person may be elected President unless (1) he is a natural-born citizen of the Philippines, (2) a registered voter, (3) able to read and write, (4) at least forty (40) years of age on the day of the election, and (5) a resident of the Philippines for at least ten (10)  years immediately preceding such election."

Thus, regardless of the educational attainment, any person may run for presidency.  What is required is he/she is able to read and write and of course he/she satisfies other requirements also.

Do you think you have all the requirements provided by our very own constitution? You might consider of running to the highest post.  

Note: The image feautured herein is taken from


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