The Criminals Called Brigands
The Revised Penal Code defines who are brigands. As defined in Article 306 of the said code, as quoted below: "When more than three armed persons form a band or robbers for the purpose of committing robbery in the highway, or kidnapping persons for the purpose of extortion or to obtain ransom, for any other purpose to be attained by means of force and violence, they shall be deemed highway robbers or brigands." A picture of brigands taken from bing images. Based on the above-mentioned definition of brigands, they are at least four criminals who are armed persons for the purpose of committing: 1. Robbery in the highway; or 2. Kidnapping persons for the purpose of extortion or to obtain ransom; or 3. For any other purpose to be attained by means of force and violence. The crime committed by these brigands or highway robbers is known as brigandage. The penalty to be imposed to brigands is prision mayor in its medium period to reclusion tempo